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Silias Perea
Wizard born
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
29,2 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Silias is a pureblooded wizard, descended from a relatively wealthy family. Known from an early age for not being particularly social, he was discovered at the age of nine to have SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder).
This means he has difficulty in social interaction, and often builds up stress that can manifest itself in hostile and angry ways. Silias has long hoped to be sorted into Slytherin, and Hope's he might find some sort of a family there.
Silias first discovered his magical abilities at the age of ten, when he accidentally set fire to a classroom desk while being upset about a test score.
At the age of ten -- earlier than most -- Silias received a letter inviting him to Ilvermorny across the Atlantic. He attended for a brief month and a half before being expelled after an incident involving a fight with another student.
Ever since, he has been awaiting a letter from Hogwarts, seeing it as a new start. Rhis letter recently arrived, fulfilling his hopes.
Silias continues to be not only affected but defined by his Social Anxiety, avoiding conversation and interaction whenever possible.
He is deeply interested in magic, especially potion-making and defense against the dark arts. While not having the best study habits, he makes a continuous, strong effort to do as well as he can at everything he does. This is not always, however, as well as he would like. He tends to have a perfectionist streak about him.