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Eli Dorm
Portsmouth, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Eli Dorm was very excited when she first got her letter, some people came to her house saying something about a school and that Eli was a witch. Eli was very surprised when they said this she had no idea she was a witch she thought it was a pleasant surprise when she got her letter. She was very excited to go to school this year because she only had her brother to be around he was about to be 16 and she was turned 11 a week ago so she thought thats why she got her letter pretty early her birthday was in August she thought that was early but her parents said that her birthday was late for some reason. So she went on a walk dow her neighborhood she walked to the end and back to cool of her excitement when she went down she went inside to find her parents watching tv mom can I go to hogwarts for the first time. She couldn't believe that her parents said yes! She was very excited now. She was going to go to hogwarts though she didn't know about it til just then she was very excited!! She went to her bedroom on her bed to think she was going to hogwarts!