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Sun-Hi Park
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,2 cm blackthorn wood and unicorn hair
Sun-Hi was born in Seoul, South Korea where her parents were from. Till the little Korean was at a young elementary age she had been going to school to get some education till she was about eight years old. Every now and again when she saw other kids were getting picked on, she’d stand up for the kid that was getting bullied even if it meant she got beat up herself in the long run even if she was afraid, but it was better to stand up for the weak. She wasn’t the type of person to let others get hurt and even fought for what she believed was right. That was how her parents had raised her. While in the privacy of her home, her family would use magic around the house because they were wizards. Back in their school days, they went to the school that was located in Japan.
When her family moved to London, England, she was still a young child that was curious about everything. Though, she wasn’t able to speak perfect English at the time, it didn’t mean she didn’t try her hardest. The Korean girl eventually learned how to speak perfect, well not perfect, but good enough, English that she was able to speak fluently with others because she wasn't going to quit learning due to her stubbornness and determination. Her parents had become Aurors and she so badly wanted to follow in their footsteps. She thought it be awesome to go on a bunch of adventures and take down bad guys.
The way she found out she had magic herself had gotten into an argument with her parents to the point she made fire appear on the window drapes. So, here she was at the age of eleven and finally received her letter for a Wizarding school. It meant it was time to learn how to control her powers better so she could become an Auror herself like her parents.