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Chiara Alberstein
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
32,3 cm cherry wood and thunderbird tail feather
Born in Dublin Ireland, Chiara had lived a quiet and peaceful life with her father and mother. Her father worked in a small bakery making tasty treats for all to enjoy. His muggle blood has never stopped him from loving his wife, a young and slightly clumsy but kind and gentle witch. They raised their daughter as best they could, giving her all of the love they could.

Being an only child, had it's challenges for the young girl however, she yearned to have siblings, to have a bigger, happier and louder family than she had already.

She had always been fine with both Muggles and witches as she grew up with both, but she felt closer to the witches and wizards her mother had introduced her to. They were all older than her and all would excitedly talk about when their acceptance letters to Hogwarts would arrive. Chiara, not showing any magical prowess throughout her life had eventually grown tired of hearing her wizard and witch friends and acquaintances talk about Hogwarts, eventually shutting them out of her life for good.

It was on her eleventh birthday that her life had changed for good. She had been outside playing with some of her muggle friends when the kids she had stopped talking to, the witches and wizards had entered back into her life. They told her they got their acceptance letters and that they were going to be powerful, mocking Chiara who had no magic in her. She wanted them to go away, and while her muggle friends were running into the house to get their parents she had felt something surge within her. One boy had taunted her and started to try to push her down, but something had happened. The boy had flown back, as if some powerful force had tossed him. His friends stared with fear at her and one threatened to tell his parents on her. But she didn't care, she had grown tired of their taunts. Before she could act out any further her parents had stopped her, calming her before she did something she would regret.

Her mother had stayed with her in her room until she was for sure calm before she whispered in her hear, scolding her for using her magic to hurt someone, even if the person deserved it. Chiara hated being scolded, but the idea of having magic excited her. She asked her mother if this meant she would be able to go to Hogwarts now, but to her dismay, her mother had replied that she was not sure. She had hoped for the definite yes, but she supposed just having magic flowing through her would be as good as she was going to get until she got a letter stating that she had been accepted into Hogwarts.