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Atlanta Hadfield
Harwich, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,9 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Personality: Atlanta is a happy go lucky girl who tries to look at the best in people. Although she is very kind, she is a bit of a pushover and doesn't really know when it is best to stop giving people second, third, or even fourth chances. She likes making friends and prefers to be around people, although she is okay with being by herself as well. She is not much of a leader type and she likes to follow the crowd instead of taking charge. Although she is a bit of pushover, if bullied/ provoked she will stand up for herself or close friends.

Looks: Atlanta is a small eleven year old redhead. She has dark green eyes and red hair that falls down right above her shoulders. Her hair is naturally wavy. She is very pale with a lot of freckles covering her face, shoulders, and arms. She is petite and weighs about 80 lbs. She is around 5'0 in height.

When did she discover her powers?: Her powers manifested when she was 7 years old. One day her mother had promised to take her to get ice cream on her way back from work. When her mom got home, she had completely forgotten! Atlanta threw such a fit that she started making their pet dog Chewy start shrinking until he was the size of a mouse.

History: Atlanta doesn't have a very interesting history at all really. Her mother is a pure blood, but her father is muggle born. Her older brother Silas is also a muggle, so they were hoping Atlanta would be a witch. Overall their family is very loving and supportive. Although there are the occasional sibling feuds or small family drama, they are close knit.