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Eldridge Cunningham
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,9 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Eldridge is an eleven year old boy (duh) and has recently discovered he possesses magical abilities. He learned this at a friend's birthday celebration, and as the friend opened his gift, his raw excitement caused a "magical release" causing some things to shift around and float for a bit. No one had any idea what just happened, so they all ignored it. He hoped this wouldn't ruin the friendship he made since Eldridge tends to be antisocial. While this may be the case, he is very intelligent. He gets an A-B report card regularly, and tends to quickly understand new subjects. While this may be the case, he is terrified of coming to this new school, as he will have to completely reform his friend group and might be cast out as a "muggle-born". However, he also has hope as he new there was something different about him that set him apart. He always thought this was his being antisocial but now believes this is his magical capabilities. However, this is not his only experience going to a new school. While he was born in England, he moved to the Americas for his elementary education. There he learned his basic math and subtraction. (He still uses the american word for maths) He hopes this experience of learning a new school twice (moving and coming back) will help him make more friends at his new school, Hogwarts.

Brown eyes
Brown-Blonde mix hair color
A book (he is always reading something new)
A photo of his parents so as to help cope with homesickness\

I know Koko Riddle and Charlotte Evergreen IRL