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Jamie Duncan
Inverness, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
35,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Jamie Duncan is a muggle born wizard, born to a restaurant owner, William, and his loving wife, Geillis. Jamie is one of seven children, and the middle one to boot it seemed odd that he were the first of many to receive a letter.

At the age of seven, he had accidentally broken one of his siblings toys when they were fighting over it, and in the wails and post tantrum, in his hands he found it mended. Jamie is not one for conflict, and is very devoted to his family. He is a happy, trusting sort with deep loyalties to his friends often caring for their needs before his own.

In fact, to most, his life had been fairly average. A hard worker but he didn't shine too brightly over his older siblings, content with most things given to him (though, a little sick of hand me downs) and surrounded by a family he didn't want to let down. The outdoors are his home, and camping is his favorite past time.

However, with a family business he is also required to assist in cleaning up and making sure his chores are completed. He tends to get his work done first before playing but holds out no stops when fun can be enjoyed. Jamie, is known as the family jokster and he pulls out all the stops to turn frowns upside down for those younger than him.

At first, the letter was thrown out, thinking it to be prank mail and his life continued as per normal until another owl rapt its beak on his bedroom window. Finally, his parents agreed. Following the instructions of the letter they found themselves in diagon alley, ready for the start of a new adventure.