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Joshua Peters
Westminister, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,6 cm elm wood and phoenix feather
Quick message: I won't be on for a while! If you are planning an RP with me, it might be a while till I get back on seeing as I'm really far behind in school. I'll Owl you when I get back. Thanks! -Joshua
If I go down
I'm dragging you down with me
And trust me
I don't go down without a fight
“Do you remember me telling you we are practicing non-verbal spells, Potter?"
"Yes," said Harry stiffly.
"Yes, sir."
"There's no need to call me "sir" Professor."
-Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
"I'll see you in hell," she said.
So I said, "Yeah. See you there. Except,
"I'll be watching you burn while I sit on my throne."
Rebellion is the best kind of behavior.



Gryffindor. The house I never thought I'd end up in. I have no idea why I was placed in this house. The things that describe the house wouldn't fit me at all. I'm not necessarily brave, but I stick up when it comes to my life and those I care about. I'm very determined and head strong. But I am no "goody-two-shoes". I caused a lot of trouble when I was younger. I still cause a lot of trouble. My first sign of magic was for the purpose or tricking a classmate of mine. He was annoying me, so I decided to prank him by causing an "accident" in the science lab. My original plan was to make it explode in his face, but at the time he had been taunting my name. My father for that matter. I guess I grew angry and when his flask exploded, instead of there being soot on his face, his skin was blue and his hair was pink. I don't know how it occurred, but after, the lab equipment had begun to float and he was running out the door.

The topic of my parents is what really set me off. My parents divorced when I was nine years old, but it was really my muggle father's fault. He didn't want me to learn about the wizarding world. He wanted to be a normal kid, but nothing is ever really normal. When he heard of the incident at school, he got really mad and yelled at me and my mother. When they divorced, they fought for custody and sadly my father won. My mum died months later after a group of muggles decided to attack the building she lived in. When my father didn't bother to let me go to her funeral and he remarried to some cheap woman, I ran away. I lived with my mother's parents for the rest of the time. They taught me of Hogwarts and prepared me for when I got my letter. The day came and they sent me off. I know they won't be around for much longer, but they already have that planned out. When they pass, I'm to live with my uncle from then on. He's a good man, but he's very busy. He works for the ministry as an auror, but he doesn't fight 24/7. He mainly goes undercover, snuffing out dark wizards. If I could, I'm aim to be my uncle in the future.

I take after my mother and father. My mother was a very determined woman. When given a task, she always completed it. No matter what it took, she would complete her mission. She was a rather sneaky person. She always had a way around the rules. She was incredibly cunning and mischievous. She would trick her opponents and deceive them, then attack them. I learned her dueling tactics from my grandmother whom is also a great dueler. I take after my father when it comes to physical attributes. The dirty blonde hair, the green eyes, a slim but stronger build, and his sharp jawline. My father's hair turned to a more brown color as he got older, and my hair is starting to do the same. Every once and a while I'll fine a new streak of brown hair closer to the roots of my hair. But I have the posture or my mother. Very pridefull and powerful. She never really hung her head low, but every once in a while, she stayed low to the ground, with only the concern of her and my lives.

I'd rather be more like my mother than my father. He was a low life, and my mother was high on the ladder. How she fell in love with him is a mystery to me, but I truly have no interest in finding out. Hopefully, I never will.


