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Imani Percival
Wizard born
Birmingham, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Imani Ebele Percival is an American girl who moved to the United Kingdom when she was eight. Her parents died when she was an infant to unknown causes, and she was left to a muggle orphanage for a while before being adopted by wizards when she was seven. For her eighth birthday, July 24th, her parents, Annie and Ridge Percival, moved to England and introduced her to the wizarding world she never knew. She was homeschooled by her mom until she was ready to go to Hogwarts. Her magic first appeared when she was in an orphanage, fueled by her uncontrollable anger, which is why MACUSA wanted to get her adopted quickly for someone more loving to watch over her.

When people first see her, they usually notice Imani's hard expression, as if she already doesn't like you. Her eyes are sharp and observant like a cat, waiting for a reason to be defensive or offensive. She crosses her arms often, more from habit than anything else. Her skin is a soft, toffee brown, riddled with scars and scrapes from her rough playing, since she likes sports and often gets into fights, verbal and physical, with people, boys and girls. Her eyes are a pool of brown so dark it's almost black, much like her hair, which is curly and usually kept in a high ponytail. She seems to be an average eleven year old girl, not too thin or wide. The most noticeable thing is her American accent, which she has too much pride in to lose, although she does find herself copying the English accent, from living around it so long.

Overall Imani wants to be accepted by others but she has a lot of insecurities, like the lack of birth parents, being in a different country, getting bullied in the orphanage, and mistakes she makes. She doesn't like when people point out her failures so she can get defensive real fast, but that also goes for things and people she cares about. She hasn't made any long-lasting friends because of her argumentative and controlling personality, but she does value friendship and kindness, just when it's called for. Imani's very driven by her goals and won't let anything get her way, although maybe if it's people she really cares about. She has anger issues and when she goes off, it's extremely hard to calm her down, like trying to put out a forest fire with a drop of water. When people get to know her though, they come to find that she is a loyal friend with a big temper but an even bigger heart.

OOC: I'm nothing like my OC, please don't hate me!