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Caitlin Dee
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,2 cm mayhaw wood and kelpie hair
Caitlin was born on March 1st to full wizard parents. She weighted only 2 pounds and the doctors didn't think she would live. She was a Miricle baby as she also got a muggle illness called meningitis. This resulted in her left side not working as well as her right.

Growing up she had few friends because the students at her school felt she was odd. Because of this she actually came up with an imaginary friend named Mandy. She asked her parents to make her real with Magic but they would always say no. Her parents had always wanted her to have a normal life before going to hogwarts. So you could say she's a pure wizard who knows more about muggle things as most pure wizards.

Her mother was a Ravenclaw when she went to hogwarts, her mother loved reading. She had passed that along to her daughter. Being a muggle born herself, it was hard for her to be accepted in her own family. But that doesn't stop her mother from talking to her siblings from time to time.

Her father, a hufflepuff, was a lot like her in a way, always funny and trying to crack jokes, most say she gets her sense of humor from her father. She also gets her quietness and quirkiness from him as well.