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Jason Wilhelm
Wizard born
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
31,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

Born Dec 28th, 2007 (11y/o)

Father: Frederick Titus Wilhelm

Mother: Jane Elizabeth Daurina-Wilhelm

Step-Mother: Meredith Sylvan Wilhelm

Jason Aurelius Wilhelm was the first and only child of Frederick and Jane Wilhelm, a young couple in Brooklyn, New York. Frank and Jane had a rocky relationship, constantly arguing and finding even the littlest things about each other to complain about, particularly with Jane picking on Frank's muggle-born status. Inevitably, the two split when Jason was three, and Frank eventually met a Scottish woman named Meredith while she was on holiday in America. The two hit it off, and married when he was six years old, and they all moved to Mary's family home in Glasgow, Scotland. Mary was very excited about having a son, giving him everything he ever asked for, and constantly reminding him that he would be the best wizard in all the world. Meanwhile, Frank was just as he'd always been. He expected Jason to be as he was: completely and utterly self-sustained. He was cold emotionally, and taught Jason to be the same. These two very opposed parenting styles ended with Jason feeling as if he needed to prove something to the both of them; to everyone. When his powers started to come in, he would show them off to other wizard children, and often try to do the same with muggles, but his mother would quickly keep him from doing anything so dangerous.


At 11, Jason still has this prideful nature about him, particularly with his magic. He'll go out of his way to show that he can handle himself in any scenario, taking charge even in situations where he has no idea what he's doing. Generally, his attitude can be summed up as "Angsty pre-teen," as he's often sulking around near the walls of any given crowded room. He's prone to doing things just because everyone else is doing it, or even if everyone isn't and he thinks it'll make him look cooler. When it comes to dating, he's absolutely out of his element. He hasn't even thought of dating as an option yet.


Height: 5'0"

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Jason is very thin. He looks like the sort of kid you can break in half without meaning to. He believes he's short, but that's only because his father is very tall. He's actually about average height, if not, taller. His hair, cut by his mother, is brown, as well as his eyes. The clothes that he wears when out of uniform are often times black, as he thinks it's the color he looks best in. His accent, while being overwhelmingly Brooklyn, can accommodate some Scottish every once in a while, especially when he's shouting.