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Sabrina Firestorm
London, England
First year, Slytherin
22,8 cm cypress wood and unicorn hair
Name: Sabrina Firestorm
Nationality: English
Born: April 18, 2007
Appearance: Piercing blue eyes that look serious and smart, deep blackish, almost bluish kind of color for hair. Hair is usually wavy and straight. Long eyelashes, she always looks calm, shy, serious, and intelligent.

Personality: Sabrina Firestorm is a intelligent student that is always reading books and studying for tests. She is shy and quiet, preferring being by herself and reading, but also enjoys being around friends, after knowing them for a while. She enjoys quiet activities like reading and art, she is always ready to give advice to someone who needs help. However quiet she may be, she has big hopes and dreams for herself, to become prefect, or even Head Girl at Hogwarts.

History: My parents are James and Emily Firestorm, they are doctors, I have always been inspired by them to become a doctor, but since I've learned I'm a witch, I have dreams of becoming an auror. I'm a Muggle born witch, and is newly introduced to Hogwarts. I was always a bit different than others at my Muggle home and community, somehow different that I couldn't say before. Though I had some friends, no one really was the same as me. Then the first accident that happened that I remember happened when I was about six years old (though I can't say how many magic I did when I was only one or two that I don't know about, my parents always say the craziest things) , I remember it strongly because it was a big accident of magic, except thank goodness, it didn't cause a big problem. My grandparents were coming over and I was excited, we had all sorts of activities, and when they got here, I was too enthusiastic that I lifted everything from its place, and they started moving around. It almost hit someone, but luckily, I thought, stop, and everything went back to its regular spot. That was the biggest accidental magic, the others were quite small. I can now do one or two spells like "Lumos" and "Nox."