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Amelia Kigan
Privet Drive, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,0 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Childhood: Amelia lives in a small house in London with her Dad and brother.Her brother loves to play tricks on Amelia with make her laugh.her Dad works two job to keep the house and food. Amelia's Mother was a wizard who was killed by a death eater when she was six.She was only told she was a wizard by her dad when she was turning 11
Amelia has short straight purple hair that her brother dyed for her. She has a short and stubby nose that was broken by a bully.a round jaw and brown eyes.
She use to wear contacts but her eye sight gotten better.
Her clothes usually are filthy.



Amelia is nervous around new people and unknown family members. She can tend to act crazy. She sometimes just starts laughing at nothing with a crazy look on her face.
She breaks rules if she think the rule is dumb.
Amelia respects people opinions but sticks to her own until proven wrong.
She may hurt people's feeling when she doesn't respond to them and walks away, but she doesnt mean to shes just really shy about talking to people.
Amelia talks only the truth and hates rumors and people who spread rumors.


Trypophobia (Fear of many small holes)
Glossophobia (Fear of public speaking)

She likes All type of animals and insects
She enjoy the sound of the wind it calms her down when she angry.
She hates when people lies
She also hates people who eat meat.


Amelia is hard to fluster which frustrated boys who had crushes on her or just wants to make her blush.
When she spaces out she cant hear anything even if someone yelled in her ear she doesnt notice until realizes she is.
she has really weird facial expressions.


Her dad works all day everyday and Jake, Amelia brother, makes dinner. Amelia was home schooled 2 years of her life. She has 2 friends one who moved away but they keep in touch. Her brother yells alot at his Dad and they fight alot at home. Amelia mostly stays at her neighbors house or outside and enjoys the view. When her dad lets her outside she looks for muggles to play with. She studies when her Dad tells her to stay in the house. She cuts her hair when it gets to long .After school she disguises her self as a boy and plays with her male friends. Whens she arrives home and sits on her bed her brother comes in and talks to her about has anything wierd happened in her life.When she found out that she was a wizard she acted normal outside of her hosue but when she was at home she freaks out all the time and her brother comforts her.

She hopes to meet lots of people at Hogwarts