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Aqua Thomas
Limerick, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
27,2 cm ash wood and troll tail hair
Aqua Thomas was born on a wet day in the desert, which was a good omen. But she was also born on Friday, the thirteenth, which was a bad omen. She was also born into the poorest family in her village, and other kids her age tease her about it. But her family loved her so much, the other kids got a little bit jealous of her family. She never went to violence for an any answers. She is the youngest of seven children: (youngest to oldest) Isabella, Sam, Josephina, Serafina, Sophie, Brittany, and herself, Aqua. She is witty, smart, and quick minded, and loves a challenge. Her magic started to appear at a young age, age seven. It started to appear after her twin brother's death. His name was Myles, and he was her favorite, even though he was a few minutes older than her. She was next to him for his last breath, and his last words. Her siblings and parents came home to her sobbing and crying snot all over the place hysterically. After his sudden death, she vowed to solve the mysterious illness that he suddenly got. Her mother died of heartbreak a few months afterward, and the family went into months of grieving. She plans to go to any magic school now because her village dislikes witches of any kind. Her magic was found out by a boy that disliked her, and he was insulting her, so she got angry and gave him a burn. He got mad, screamed, and ran to tell the village mayor/chief. She was so sad that she ran away. But she came back in secret. Even though her family is not full and complete, she thinks it is still perfect unlike the rich people in her village think. She is a muggle-born, and does not like anyone who insults her about that. Her life was perfect, but after the illness, her life got harder. Her father was going to send her to Beauxbatons, but then changed his mind. Then another tragedy struck her. Her entire family were going out to have a nice dinner, and she was out hunting for her own meal, when they landed in a car crash. They all died, every single one of them. She was so stricken with grief, that she didn't eat for days. But then, a miracle came into her life. Someone named Lillian Evergreen. She was the savior of Aqua. She kinda forced her to eat, only to discover that Aqua's stomach had shrunk to something like the size of a pea. She gave Aqua more food day by day and slowly Aqua became accustomed to Lillian. Lillian became her constant companion until the day she died. She died by having an infection on her leg, a very small one that she didn't know about until the infection was too set in to remove unless she got a new leg. She didn't get a new leg, and got blood poisoning and died. While she was dying, Aqua sang her to sleep because she wanted Lillian to die in peace. She had a private burial with only herself in it. She buried Lillian in flowers, just the way she would have liked it. She almost starved herself to death, only to remind herself that Lillian would not want her to do that. She lived in misery until she was invited to Hogwarts. She would like a friend that appreciates who she is,

Looks: Pale skin with red hair and lime green eyes. Has a delicate build. Stands tall even though shes suffered a lot. Prefers to dress in black, because of her brother and mother, but mostly her brother. She wears black combat boots everywhere if she is allowed to. Also wears a hat sometimes as a disguise. Her eyes speak a challenge when you look at them. Her hair is wispy like, so it settles delicately around her shoulders. :)

Friends: She has 1 friend.
Avery Edemala

Hobbies: She loves learning, reading, swimming, diving, helping create cures for illnesses, helping her family, and just creating anything from her imagination.

Emotions: Sad, angry, depressed, these are all things that happened to her when her brother, mother, and dearest friend died. She will lash out at you if you are rude and mean or touch a delicate spot in her spirit. But if you are kind, she will be kind back. She hopes for a friend that is like her old dear friend. Or one that has also suffered and understands what it feels like to be alone. She doesn't like kids who correct her on two or more things that she didn't know because it makes her feel like she is not smart.