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Lillian Evermore
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
34,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Description: White, wavy hair awkwardly hangs over a sculpted, anguished face. Clear red eyes, set buried within their sockets, watch wearily over the farms they've sworn to protect for so long.
Fallen debry left a mark reaching from the left side of the forehead , running across the nose and ending on her left cheek and leaves a pleasurable memory of her adventurous love life.

The is the face of Lillian Evermore, a true pure blood Witch. She stands big among others, despite her delicate frame.

There's something different about her, perhaps it's a feeling of regret or perhaps it's simply a feeling of coldness. But nonetheless, people tend to assist her, while befriending her friends to get closer to her.

Personality: Many hateful words can be said about Lillian Evermore but the fact she's impatient and cynical is just the tip of the iceberg. To make things worse she's also power-hungry, troublesome and argumentative, but at least those are kept somewhat in check by habits of being warm as well.
But focus on her as this is what she's often scorned. Plenty of relationships came to a halt because of this and her insulting nature, much to the annoyance of others.

Fair is fair though, Lillian does have some brighter sides within the darkness. She's gracious and wise in good amounts, there's still a beacon of hope.
Unfortunately her cynical nature tends to ruin whatever good comes from those traits.

History: She's impulsive, gloomy and tactful. Which isn't out of the ordinary for someone with her troubled past.

She was born and grew up in a fairly rich family in a broken port, she lived out of trouble until she was about 11 years old, but at that point life changed.

She lost her best friend in a Wizarding government takeover and was shunned. With a new found love she of magic had to survive in a unkind world. But with her bravery, and knowledge of magic, she managed to start a new life and escape hell. This has turned her into the woman she is today.

After losing her best friend, she’s been interested in magic.