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Kaye Gourley
Wizard born
Worthing, England
First year, Slytherin
27,4 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Born within the seaside town of Worthing, in West Sussex, Kaye comes from a family of witches and wizards that dates back an untold number of years. She is the youngest member of her family - with her cousins already surpassing her as graduates of Hogwarts, or nearly so.

As a little girl she was always captivated by the magical realm around her; there is no doubt that she could not function in the world of Muggles, although she is fascinated by aspects of their lives as well. She has always been a curious child - a precocious one too, eager to learn all that she could about every little thing. Kaye's desire to devour every book in her path has led to some isolation, however. Although her parents are keen to see her excel in her studies, they wish she would break out of her shell and realize there is more to life than just books.

That said, she is a friendly girl when the situation calls for it. There is an almost clinical manner to her behavior, a detachment, which could be identified as sociopathy. Obviously she is still very young. She is unsure of her place in the world and is expected to develop further. Being limited in her socialization due to her obsession with the written word has done wonders for her self esteem - which is to say, she is certain of her own intelligence, but Kaye has limited reasons to employ her knowledge. It comes out in fits and starts. When she is nervous or her anxiety spikes, it is not unheard of for the eleven-year-old to blurt facts from her latest favorite tome.

In short, she is: sharp of mind, pleasant in nature, socially withdrawn, and emotionally under-developed.