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Camellia Anemone
Livingston, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
29,2 cm willow wood and phoenix feather
Camellia grew up in a pure-blooded Irish family, which had for generations attended Hogwarts before returning to Ireland, few relatives moving but remaining in Europe. Her family was one of these, as they branched out to Scotland. Her hometown is fairly large, so it was always busy, despite their house being large and on the edge of town. She loved to work with animals and learn to read, though she wasn't allowed to wander outside much, she still had a fun childhood. Her first sign of magic occurred when she was young, barely able to move things near her, and it would only appear when she was very emotional. She is a fairly level-headed girl, as is expected by her family. They are very well known, one of the most famous magical families to come from Scotland. She has close friends in Ireland and opens up more around them. However, after not traveling much and rarely making new friends, she is nervous about going to Hogwarts. However, she is determined to make her family proud. She has a mother, a father, and three younger siblings. Her siblings are Holly, age eight, Hazel age eight, and Ren, age three. Camellia has fairly long hair that is naturally red, hazelnut brown eyes, and pale skin with many freckles dotting it. She is relatively tall and skinny for her age, standing at about 153 cm and 35.6 kg.