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Bethany Bellemore
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
28,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

Character Stats

Strength: 6
Agility: 6
Control: 10
Stamina: 8


Irma Bellemore was a caring but tough woman. The grandmother and primary caretaker of Bethany/Bethy (depending on how much trouble or not Beth was in.) Beth's small life began in Glasgow, Scotland where she would grow up contently under her muggle Grandmothers watch.

Beth is a half-blood - her mother was a regular human and her father was a wizard. However, both of Bethany's parents passed away in an unfortunate car crash when Beth was only 4 years old. Beth managed to survive the wreckage only due to her car seat and sheer luck. Orphaned, Beth would be adopted by her grandmother soon after who would raise her as her own child.

Beth's early childhood was relatively successful - besides being a bit of a fidgeter in class and prone to daydreams, she was a fairly excellent student usually receiving high marks. One of the most formative memories Beth had of early years in school was when she punched Agatha Bernbaker square in the nose.

Agatha had been bullying Arthur and, finally, Beth had enough. Her Grandmother was called in and pretended to shame her but quietly praised her afterwards - although she did mention telling a teacher instead of immediately punching.

In either case, Beth recently received her letter inviting her to attend Hogwarts. Surprised and excited to learn about the Wizarding world, her Grandmother was less so. A worried frown came before a fake smile. Her Grandmother supported Beth going to Hogwarts, despite her concern over her own sons time there. During their tradition of baking together as they spoke of important things, her Grandmother told Beth about her father & him being a wizard.

Going to a school where her father was, to know that magic was real, and to know that more awaited her in life besides a boring job, Beth was more than excited to begin her journey.